Club Patrick: The Final Shrekening

1 dai I was watching mine craft tutorials. when i get mysterious massage on meh leap frog. It say "Don't do club pegun or u will dye!!!". so den i Do club penguin and i login to my username. My username is suppose to be "frenchbiscuitlovr" but was actually "deathblood666evildebilpoland". Probably just a glitch i thot and log on. When I goet onlin all da penguns are hyper-realistic and the language was set to danis. Dis was scarier then the time i saw someone say f word in minecraft chat. And ten hear voice say "lok behoond you".
part dos: spook miedo es no
i turn around and see Geoff the homicide committee and he say "is time out tiem". And then he put me in time out and i die but not really because i was Geoff and you were me and me was shrek and shrek was Patrick. And den my house go into parallel dimension where skeletons pop in and shrek is fake and then temporal rift and EXPLOSION.